Thursday, August 7, 2008

Slumber Party!

Miss P is having a slumber party with Mims and Drum! Lane and I are in Austin for the highway letting...well, Lane is here for the highway letting and I tagged along for a mini-vacation. Last night Lane and I went to dinner at Truluck's with an old coworker turned customer and Payton went swimming!!
While Lane worked today, I went down to San Marcos and shopped a bit at the outlets. Tonight is dinner at Eddy V's and we leave tomorrow around lunch. It's so strange to not have P here with us. I miss that little stinker!!!


Mandy Mae said...

You were so close and you didn't call me! We could have had lunch...I'm literally minutes from San Marcos.

JLB said...

Sooooooo cute! I always read your blogs, but I rarely comment. I like when people comment on my blogs, so I am going to try to be better about commenting on yours.

Sooooooo cute! I love the taking the wipes out of the container and ripping them up. Such a mind of her own, huh? And I can't believe she is walking. Wow! Lots of blocking her off from things now.
